CBSE CBSE Class 10 Economics CBSE Class 10 Social Science Class 10 Multiple Choice Questions Facebook Twitter Telegram WhatsApp MCQs of Economics Class 10 Chapter 4 Globalisation and Indian Economy MCQs of Economics Chapter 4 Globalisation and Indian Economy MCQsEconomics Chapter 4 Globalisation and Indian EconomyClass 10 1 / 39 What is foreign investment ? Investment made by foreign governments. Investment made by foreign companies. Investment made by the foreign MNCs. Investment made by the IMF and the World Bank. 2 / 39 Which one of the following categories refers to investment ? The money that is spent to buy assets such as land, building, machines, etc. The money that is spent on religious ceremonies. The money that is spent on social customs. The money that is spent on household goods. 3 / 39 Which one of the following is not true regarding the World Trade Organisation? It allows free trade to all countries without any trade barriers. Its aim is to liberalise international trade. It establishes rules regarding internaional trade. WTO rules have forced the developing countries to remove trade barriers. 4 / 39 Which sector has not benefited by the policy of globalisation? Agricultural sector Manufacturing sector Service sector All the above 5 / 39 Which has played a big role in spreading globalisation? Information technology (IT) Transport technology Both (a) and (b) None of the above 6 / 39 Liberalisation refers to freeing the economy from direct control putting an end to various restrictions opening up the economy all the above 7 / 39 A company that operates in more than one country is called a partnership corporation foreign company multinational 8 / 39 FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) attracted by globalisation in India belongs to the World Bank multinationals foreign governments none of the above 9 / 39 Benefits enjoyed by companies who set up production units in the SEZs are : they do not have to pay taxes for some years reduction in excise duty reduced tariffs and barriers none of the above 10 / 39 Which of the following contributes to globalisation? internal trade external trade large scale trade small scale trade 11 / 39 Globalisation is called fair globalisation when it benefits labour investors consumers all the above 12 / 39 Globalisation has led to improvement in choice to consumers quality of goods and services foreign investment all the above 13 / 39 Name the organisation whose aim is to liberalise international trade. ILO (International Labour Organisation) WHO (World Health Organisation) WTO (World Trade Organisation) NSSO (National Sample Survey Organisation) 14 / 39 Why do MNCs set up offices and factories in more than one nation ? The cost of production is high and the MNCs can earn profit. The cost of production is low and the MNCs undergoes a loss. The cost of production is low and the MNCS can earn greater profit. The MNCs want to make their presence felt globally. 15 / 39 Globalisation results in lesser competition among producers greater competition among producers no change in competition among producers none of the above 16 / 39 Which one among the following is a far reaching change in the policy made in India in 1991? Removing barriers or restrictions set by the government which is known as liberalisation. Put barriers to foreign trade and foreign investments. Restrictions set by the government to protect the producers within the country from foreign competition. By giving protection to domestic producers through a variety of means. 17 / 39 Which of the following factors has not facilitated globalisation? Technology Liberlisation of trade WTO Nationalisation of banks 18 / 39 What attracts an MNC? Cheap labour Ready demand for the product Both (a) and (b) None of the above 19 / 39 Cheaper imports, inadequate investment in infrastructure lead to slowdown in agricultural sector replace the demand for domestic production slowdown in industrial sector all the above 20 / 39 Rapid integration or inter connection between countries is known as : Privatisation Globalisation Liberalisation Socialisation 21 / 39 Entry of MNCs in a domestic market may prove harmful for : all large scale producers. all domestic producers. all substandard domestic producers. all small scale producers. 22 / 39 Which one of the following is a major benefit of joint production between a local company and a Multi-National Company ? MNC can bring latest technology in the production MNC can control the increase in the price MNC can buy the local company MNC can sell the products under their brand name 23 / 39 One of the major results of globalisation in India has been in the growth of outsourcing by MNCs transportation services telecommunication services none of the above 24 / 39 Upto 2006 the number of member countries of WTO was : 139 149 159 160 25 / 39 Integration of markets means operating beyond the domestic markets wider choice of goods competitive price all the above 26 / 39 What is the most common route for investments by MNCs in countries around the world ? Set up new factories Buy existing local companies Form partnerships with local companies None of the above 27 / 39 Globalisation leads to more competition less competition monopoly none of the above 28 / 39 What is the impact of LPG policy of the government? Stiff competition among producers Increase in inequalities Greater choice to consumers All the above 29 / 39 Investment means spending on factory building machines equipments all the above 30 / 39 Multinational corporations have succeeded in entering global markets through WTO UNO UNESCO none of the above 31 / 39 Fair globalisation refers to ensuring benefits to : labourers producers consumers all the above 32 / 39 Globalisation so far has been more in favour of developed countries developing countries poor countries none of the above 33 / 39 Globalisation results in inflow of labour from abroad inflow of capital from abroad inflow of tourists from abroad all the above 34 / 39 When was the WTO established? 1985 1995 2000 2005 35 / 39 When economic activities in a country are influenced by economic activities in other countries, it is called foreign trade competition globalisation all the above 36 / 39 Which one of the following is not true regarding impact of globalisation of India? It has created jobs in the service sector. People with education, skill and wealth have not been benefited. Benefits of globalisation are not shared equally. Labour laws are not implemented properly and workers are denied their rights. 37 / 39 Special Economic Zones (SEZ) developed by the Government of India aim to attract foreign companies to invest in India to encourage small investors to encourage regional development none of the above 38 / 39 Globalisation leads to rapid movements of the following between countries : goods and services investments people all the above 39 / 39 Taxes on imports is an example of : terms of trade collateral trade barriers foreign trade Your score isThe average score is 73% 0% Restart quiz
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