MCQs of Political Science Class 10 Chapter 2 Federalism

MCQs of political Science Chapter 2 Federalism


political Science

Chapter 2 Federalism

Class 10

1 / 49

In which Schedule of the Indian Constitution are the 22 scheduled languages included?

2 / 49

Choose the correct statement regarding language policy of the Indian Government.

3 / 49

Which period saw the rise of regional political parties in many states of the country?

4 / 49

Which one of the following countries has not adopted the holding together federation?

5 / 49

Which language was recognised as the national language by the Constitution of India?

6 / 49

Which of the following is not a subject of the Union List?

7 / 49

Which of the following country is not an example of ‘holding together’ federations?

8 / 49

There are two kinds of routes through which federations have been formed. Which are they?

9 / 49

Which state of India enjoys a special status and has its own Constitution?

10 / 49

Which one of the following subjects is included in the concurrent list?

11 / 49

Which among the following states in India has a special status?

12 / 49

Which one of the following subjects is included in the state list?

13 / 49

Choose the incorrect statement.

14 / 49

Who makes laws on the subjects contained in the Concurrent List?

15 / 49

Which body conducts the elections to panchayats and municipalities?

16 / 49

Who administers the whole district?

17 / 49

Which one is not the part of 3 tier system of Panchayat Raj?

18 / 49

Which of the following subjects falls under the Concurrent list?

19 / 49

Who among the following is called head of the state at the state level?

20 / 49

Which of the following subjects is not included in the Union list?

21 / 49

The Constitution of India originally provided for :

22 / 49

The system of Panchayat Raj involves :

23 / 49

Which of the following governments has two or more levels?

24 / 49

As per language policy of Indian Government, which one of the following statements is true regarding the status of Hindi language? 

25 / 49

Which of the following is not one of the key features of federalism?

26 / 49

Rural local government is popularly known as :

27 / 49

Which of the following is not an example of ‘coming together’ federations?

28 / 49

Which level of government in India has the power to legislate on the ‘residuary’ subjects?

29 / 49

Which of these is incorrect, based on the Consitutional Amendment, 1992?

30 / 49

Which form of power sharing is most commonly referred to as federalism?

31 / 49

Which of the following is incorrect regarding a unitary government?

32 / 49

When was the report of the States Reorganisation Commission implemented?

33 / 49

Which of the following was not a provision of the Act of 1956 passed in Sri Lanka?

34 / 49

Choose the incorrect statement.

35 / 49

Which one of the following countries is good examples of ‘holding together federations’?

36 / 49

Which are the basic objectives of a federal system?

37 / 49

Which is not true regarding changes in power-sharing arrangement between the centre and the states?

38 / 49

Which one of the following lists includes subject of common interest to both the union government and the state government?

39 / 49

Rural local government is popularly known as :

40 / 49

How many other lanugages are recognised as Scheduled Languages by the constitution, besides Hindi?

41 / 49

Which one of the following countries has the federal form of government? 

42 / 49

What is the third tier of government known as?

43 / 49

Which one of the following is not a feature of federalism?

44 / 49

How many of the world’s 192 countries have federal political systems?

45 / 49

What is true regarding sources of revenue in a federal system?

46 / 49

When power is taken away from central and state governments and given to local government, it is called :

47 / 49

Which of the following is not an example of ‘holding together’ federations?

48 / 49

Who among the following is the head of a Municipal Corporation?

49 / 49

In local self-government institutions at least one-third of all positions are reserved for

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