Case Study Questions for Class 12 Geography Book 1 - Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope

Case Study Questions / Source Based Questions

Case Study Question 01

Read the passage given below and answer the following questions:
A geographer, Griffith Taylor introduced another concept which reflects a middle path (Madhyam Marg) between the two ideas of environmental determinism and possibilism. He termed it as Neo determinism or stop and go determinism. Those of you who live in cities and those who have visited a city, might have seen that traffic is regulated by lights on the cross-roads. Red light means ‘stop’, amber light provides a gap between red and green lights ‘to get set’ and green light means ‘go’. The concept shows that neither is there a situation of absolute necessity (environmental determinism) nor is there a condition of absolute freedom (possibilism). It means that human beings can conquer nature by obeying it. They have to respond to the red signals and can proceed in their pursuits of development when nature permits the modifications. It means that possibilities can be created within the limits which do not damage the environment and there is no free run without accidents. The free run which the developed economies attempted to take has already resulted in the green house effect, ozone layer depletion, global warming ,receding glaciers and degrading lands. The neo-determinism conceptually attempts to bring a balance nullifying the ‘either’ ‘or’ dichotomy.

(i) Middle Path indicates the situation of:

(A) absolute necessity
(B) absolute freedom
(C) Balance between absolute necessity and absolute freedom
(D) none of these

(C) Balance between absolute necessity and absolute freedom

(ii) Here “Red light” is the symbol of:

(A) To understand the condition of environment
(B) Nothing to worry
(C) we can easily use the resources
(D) none of these

(A) To understand the condition of environment

(iii) Unplanned & unsystematic economic development caused :

(A) Greenhouse effect,
(B) ozone layer depletion,
(C) global warming,
(D) all of these

(A) Greenhouse effect

Case Study Question 02

Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow:
Winters in the town of Trondheim mean fierce wind sand heavy snow. The skies are dark for months. Kari drives to work in the dark at 8 am. She has special tyres for the winter and keeps the headlights of her powerful car switched on. Her office is artificially heated at a comfortable 23 degrees Celsius. The campus of the university she works in is built under a huge glass dome. This dome keeps the snow out in winter and lets in the sunshine in the summer. The temperature is controlled carefully and there is adequate lighting. Even though fresh vegetables and plants don’t grow in such harsh weather, Kari keeps an orchid on her desk and enjoys eating tropical fruits like banana and kiwi. These are flown in from warmer areas regularly. With a click of the mouse, Kari can network with colleagues in New Delhi. She frequently takes a morning flight to London and returns in the evening in time to watch her favourite television serial. Though Kari is fifty-eight years old, she is fitter and looks younger than many thirty year old in other parts of the world.

(i) When do fierce winds blow in Trondheim?

(A) Summers
(B) Winters
(C) Monsoons
(D) All the year round

(B) Winters

(ii) What is the shape of the university campus?

(A) Bell shaped
(B) Pyramid shaped
(C) Dome shaped
(D) Cone shaped

(C) Dome shaped

(iii) Which of these fruits does Kari likes to eat?

(A) Kiwi
(B) Dragon fruit
(C) Apple
(D) Mango

(C) Apple

(iv) How old is Kari?

(A) 23
(B) 32
(C) 46
(D) 58

(D) 58

Case Study Question 03

Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow:
Welfare or humanistic school of thought in human geography was mainly concerned with the different aspects of social well-being of the people. These included aspects such as housing, health and education. Radical school of thought employed Marxian theory to explain the basic cause of poverty, deprivation and social inequality. Contemporary social problems were related to the development of capitalism. Behavioural school of thought laid great emphasis on lived experience and also on the perception of space by social categories based on ethnicity, race and religion, etc. The process of adaptation, adjustment with and modification of the environment started with the appearance of human beings over the surface of the earth in different ecological niches. Thus, if we imagine the beginning of human geography with the interaction of environment and human beings, it has its roots deep in history. Thus, the concerns of human geography have a long temporal continuum though the approaches to articulate them have changed over time. This dynamism in approaches and thrusts shows the vibrant nature of the discipline. Earlier there was little interaction between different societies and the knowledge about each other was limited. Travelers and explorers used to disseminate information about the areas of their visits. Navigational skills were not developed and voyages were fraught with dangers. The late fifteenth century witnessed attempts of explorations in Europe and slowly the myths and mysteries about countries and people started to open up. The colonial period
provided impetus to further explorations in order to access the resources of the regions and to obtain proper information.

(i) Radical school of thought did not laid emphasis on ___________.

(A) Poverty
(B) Deprivation
(C) Housing
(D) Social Inequality

(C) Housing

(ii) Which school of thought laid emphasis on lived experiences?

(A) radical
(B) behavioural
(C) welfare
(D) none of the above

(B) Behavioural

(iii) Early Colonial Period Emphasized on

(A) Discovery and exploration of new areas
(B) Ideas that regions were part of whole
(C) Socio political
(D) None of these

(A) Discovery and exploration of new areas

(iv) The theme of human geography is based on?

(A) the study of nature
(B) the study of human being and their activities
(C) the relationship between man and his natural environment
(D) the study of phenomenon occurred on the surface of the earth

(C) the relationship between man and his natural environment

Case Study Question 04

Read the case study given below and answer the questions that follow:
Benda lives in the wilds of the Abujh Maad area of central India. His village consists of three huts deep in the wilds. Not even birds or stray dogs that usually crowd villages can be seen in these areas. Wearing a small loin cloth and armed with his axe he slowly surveys the Penda (forest) where his tribe practices a primitive form of agriculture called shifting cultivation. Benda and his friends burn small patches of forest to clear them for cultivation. The ash is used for making the soil fertile. Benda is happy that the mahua trees around him are in bloom. How lucky I am to be a part of this beautiful universe, he thinks as he looks up to see the mahua, palash and sal trees that have sheltered him since childhood. Crossing the Penda in a gliding motion, Benda makes his way to a stream. As he bends down to scoop up a palmful of water, he remembers to thank loi-lugi, the spirit of the forest for allowing him to quench his thirst. Moving on with his friends, Benda chews on succulent leaves and roots. The boys have been trying to collect gajjhara and kuchla, from the forest. These are special plants that Benda and his people use. He hopes the spirits of the forest will be kind and lead him to these herbs. These are needed to barter in the Madhai or tribal fair coming up the next full moon. He closes his eyes and tries hard to recall what the elders had taught him about these herbs and the places they are found in. He wishes he had listened more carefully. Suddenly there is a rustling of leaves. Benda and his friends know it is the outsiders who have come searching for them in the wilds. In a single fluid motion Benda and his friends disappear behind the thick canopy of trees and become one with the spirit of the forest.

(i) Which form of agriculture is practiced by the tribal people of Benda’s village?

(A) Plantation Agriculture
(B) Commercial Agriculture
(C) Primitive Subsistence Farming
(D) Intensive Agriculture

(C) Primitive Subsistence Farming

(ii) How were the forests useful for the tribal people of Benda’s village?

(A) They provided shelter
(B) They provided food
(C) They have plants which have medicinal values
(D) All of the above

(D) All of the above

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