MCQs of Geography Cloass 12 Book 1 Chapter 2 The World Population Distribution, Density and Growth

MCQs of Geography Book 1 Chapter 2 The World Population Distribution, Density and Growth


Geography Book 1

Chapter 2 The World Population Distribution, Density and Growth

Class 12

1 / 35

Which country has the highest mortality rate as per 2019?

2 / 35

Which is the second most populous country of world?

3 / 35

What was the world population at the time of the Industrial Revolution?

4 / 35

Migrates who move into a new place are called,

5 / 35

Which country has the highest density of population?

6 / 35

Which are the components of population change?

7 / 35

How long did it take for the Earth’s population to reach 1 billion?

8 / 35

What is the average density of the world population? (per sq. km.)

9 / 35

What is the annual growth rate of population in India?

10 / 35

Which of these is a major cause of female migration in India?

11 / 35

By the 2025 AD the world population will be

12 / 35

Density of population is measured in

13 / 35

How many countries constitute 60% of world’s population?

14 / 35

Which is the most populated country?

15 / 35

Which one of the following is not a fact?

16 / 35

Which continent has the highest growth rate of the population?

17 / 35

The third most populous nation in world is:

18 / 35

Which of the following are the economical factors that affect the distribution of

19 / 35

Migrates who move out of a place are called

20 / 35

Which of the following geographical factors affect the distribution of population?

21 / 35

Identify the area which comes under low density regions of population.

22 / 35

What is the present growth rate of population in the world?

23 / 35

Which one of the following continents has the highest growth of population?

24 / 35

The ten most populated countries have a world population:

25 / 35

How many people are added to the world population every year?

26 / 35

Which one of the following is not an area of the sparse population?

27 / 35

Which element is not a part of environment?

28 / 35

Which is not a fact?

29 / 35

Landforms falls under which category of population distribution?

30 / 35

The term Crude Birth Rate (CBR) is closest to which of the following?

31 / 35

Which of the following is the factor affecting the population distribution?

32 / 35

Which of the following is not a push factor for migration?

33 / 35

What was world population at the beginning of the 21st century?

34 / 35

In most of the developed countries of the world, population in the higher age group
increased due to:

35 / 35

Which of the following is not a push factor?

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