Book I - Fundamentals of Human Geography CBSE CBSE Class 12 Geography Class 12 Multiple Choice Questions Facebook Twitter Telegram WhatsApp MCQs of Geography Cloass 12 Book 1 Chapter 2 The World Population Distribution, Density and Growth MCQs of Geography Book 1 Chapter 2 The World Population Distribution, Density and Growth MCQsGeography Book 1 Chapter 2 The World Population Distribution, Density and GrowthClass 12 1 / 35 Which country has the highest mortality rate as per 2019? Ukraine Bulgaria Romania Croatia 2 / 35 Which is the second most populous country of world? China Canada India United Arab Emirates 3 / 35 What was the world population at the time of the Industrial Revolution? 30 crore 40 crore 50 crore 60 crore 4 / 35 Migrates who move into a new place are called, Emigrants NRI Immigrants None 5 / 35 Which country has the highest density of population? China India Singapore Indonesia 6 / 35 Which are the components of population change? Birth rate Death rate Migration All of these 7 / 35 How long did it take for the Earth’s population to reach 1 billion? Twelve years Hundred years Over a million years One thousand years 8 / 35 What is the average density of the world population? (per sq. km.) 31 35 38 54 9 / 35 What is the annual growth rate of population in India? 1.54 % 1.64% 2.99% 0.87% 10 / 35 Which of these is a major cause of female migration in India? Education Marriage Movement Rate Searching for employment 11 / 35 By the 2025 AD the world population will be 6.8 billion 8 billion 6 billion 8.6 billion 12 / 35 Density of population is measured in Per sq km D = M/V Kg per cu. m g per cu. cm 13 / 35 How many countries constitute 60% of world’s population? 6 10 100 11 14 / 35 Which is the most populated country? China India Russia Germany 15 / 35 Which one of the following is not a fact? Human population increased more than ten times during the past 500 years Nearly 80 million people are added to the world population each year It took 100 years for the population to rise from five billions to six billions Population growth is high in the first stage of demographic transition 16 / 35 Which continent has the highest growth rate of the population? Asia Africa Europe Australia 17 / 35 The third most populous nation in world is: Nigeria Japan China USA 18 / 35 Which of the following are the economical factors that affect the distribution ofpopulation? Landforms Industrialisation Urbanisation Both (B) and (C) 19 / 35 Migrates who move out of a place are called Emmigrants Migrants Foreigner None 20 / 35 Which of the following geographical factors affect the distribution of population? Climate Minerals Soil Availability of water 21 / 35 Identify the area which comes under low density regions of population. Zaire Basin of Africa Western China South-East Asia East Asia 22 / 35 What is the present growth rate of population in the world? 1.0% 1.2% 1.4% 1.6% 23 / 35 Which one of the following continents has the highest growth of population? Africa South America Asia North America 24 / 35 The ten most populated countries have a world population: 50% 60% 70% 80% 25 / 35 How many people are added to the world population every year? 6 crore 7 crore 8 crore 10 crore 26 / 35 Which one of the following is not an area of the sparse population? The Atacama Equatorial Region South-East Asia Polar Regions 27 / 35 Which element is not a part of environment? Climate Relief Agriculture Water 28 / 35 Which is not a fact? Pollution is caused due to industrial development Ozone layer is depleted due to primitive agriculture Global warming is due to greenhouse effect Land has been degraded due to pollution 29 / 35 Landforms falls under which category of population distribution? Clumped Uniform Random Geographical 30 / 35 The term Crude Birth Rate (CBR) is closest to which of the following? Fertility Migration Rate Mortality Rate Natural growth Rate 31 / 35 Which of the following is the factor affecting the population distribution? Availability of water Fertile soil Comfortable climate All of these 32 / 35 Which of the following is not a push factor for migration? Climate Unemployment Epidemics Security of life 33 / 35 What was world population at the beginning of the 21st century? 4 billion 6 billion 8 billion 10 billion 34 / 35 In most of the developed countries of the world, population in the higher age groupincreased due to: Increase in the life expectancy rate Decline in birth rate Decline in death rate Both (a) and (b) 35 / 35 Which of the following is not a push factor? Water shortage Unemployment Medical/Educational facilities Epidemics Your score isThe average score is 55% 0% Restart quiz
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