Book I - Fundamentals of Human Geography CBSE CBSE Class 12 Geography Class 12 Multiple Choice Questions Facebook Twitter Telegram WhatsApp MCQs of Geography Class 12 Book 1 Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope MCQs of Geography Book 1 Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and Scope MCQs of Geography Book 1 Chapter 1 Human Geography Nature and ScopeClass 12 1 / 58 1. In which period quantitative thought became popular in geographical studies? 1850 1920 1900 Late 1950s 2 / 58 2. Which element is called ‘Mother Nature’ ? Physical Environment Cultural Environment Political Environment Industrial Environment 3 / 58 3. Who has defined Human Geography as the study of relationship between human societies and earth’s surface? Ratzel Ellen C. Semple Blasche Al Idrisi 4 / 58 4. Who is considered the father of human geography? Eratosthenes Ratzel E.C. Semple Vidal de la Blache 5 / 58 5. ‘Nomothetic’ refers Law making Theorising Both a and b None of these 6 / 58 6. Which of the following is the sub-field of Social geography? Geography of Leisure Geography of Resources Geography of Tourism Geography of Agriculture 7 / 58 7. To which country does Ellen C. Semple belong? U.S.A. France Germany England 8 / 58 8. Which one of the following is the most crucial factor which help human beings to interact with their physical environment? Animals Natural phenomena Technology All of the above 9 / 58 9. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched? Social Geography – Psychology Political Geography – Psephology Population Geography – Resource Economics Economic Geography – International Trade 10 / 58 10. Stop and go determinism is also known as Possibilism Determinism Neo determinism None of the above 11 / 58 11. Historical Geography to which field of human geography Political Geography Social Geography Settlement Geography Economic 12 / 58 12. Welfare or humanistic school of thought in human geography was mainly concerned with: the different aspects of social well-being of the people the basic cause of poverty,deprivation and social inequality the perception of space by social categories based on ethnicity, race, religion, etc. All of these 13 / 58 13. The idea that all the regions were a part of whole i.e., the earth is under which approaches Spatial organization Emergency of humanistic Areal differentiation Regional analysis 14 / 58 14. Post modernism approach in geography came in which period? 1970’s 1950’s 1930’s 1990’s 15 / 58 15. Which school of thought is mainly concerned with social well being of people Radical Behavioral Welfare Possibilism 16 / 58 16. Radical School of Thought employed: Gandhian Theory Humanistic Theory Marxian Theory All of these 17 / 58 17. Which of the following is not a sub field of social geography? Medical geography Historical geography Cultural geography Military geography 18 / 58 18. Which country does Ellen C. Semple belong? U.S.A. France Germany England 19 / 58 19. ‘Idiographic’ denotes Law making Theorising Description All of these 20 / 58 20. Which of these is not a characteristic of the study of Geography? Integrative Practical Idealistic Empirical 21 / 58 21. Main feature of Early Colonial period is: the discovery and exploration of new areas identifying the uniqueness of any region phase of the quantitative revolution grand generalisations and the applicability of universal theories 22 / 58 22. Which sub-field of geography is called Demography? Population Geography Gender Geography Rural Geography Urban Geography 23 / 58 23. Which one of the following is not a source of geographical information? traveller’s accounts old maps samples of rock materials from the moon ancient epics 24 / 58 24. Who was the founder of neo-determinism? Blache Mackinder Both None of these 25 / 58 25. Who was the founder of neo-determinism? Griffith Taylor Blache Mackinder Herbertson 26 / 58 26. Which geographer out of the following belongs to France? Huntigton Vidal de la Blache Semple Trewartha 27 / 58 27. Which of these is not a characteristic of the study of Geography? Integrative Practical Idealistic Empirical 28 / 58 28. Who gave the concept of ‘stop and go determinism’? Griffith Taylor Ratzel E.C Semple Vidal de la Blache 29 / 58 29. Which of the following best signifies the nature of Human Geography? It covers all the elements created by men only It covers all the elements created by nature only It covers all the elements created by both men and nature None of the above 30 / 58 30. Which one of the following is not an approach in human geography? Areal differentiation Spatial organisation Quantitative revolution Exploration and description 31 / 58 31. Psephology is sister disciplines of which sub fields of human geography Military geography Electoral geography Agriculture geography industries geography 32 / 58 32. The subject matter of population geography is taken from which of the following areas? Anthropology Economics Demography Welfare economics 33 / 58 33. Which element is not a part of the physical environment? Climate Relief Agriculture Water 34 / 58 34. The interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature is termedas: environmental determinism neo- determinism bio- determinism anti-determinism 35 / 58 35. The two main branches of geography are Economic and Social Physical and Urban Political and Historical Physical and Human 36 / 58 36. Which element is called ‘Mother-Nature ? Physical Environment Political Environment Cultural Environment Industrial Environment 37 / 58 37. Which concept helped to discover fire? Gravity Friction DNA Dynamics 38 / 58 38. The interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature is termed as: environmental determinism neo- determinism bio- determinism anti-determinism 39 / 58 39. Naturalisation of humans means Low level of technological development high level of technological development moderate level of technological development None of these 40 / 58 40. Which element is not a part of the cultural environment? Villages Towns Ports Climate 41 / 58 41. Which one of the following statements does not describe geography? an integrative discipline study of the inter-relationship between humans and environment subjected to dualism not relevant in the present time due to the development of technology 42 / 58 42. Which approach was supported by Vidal de la Blache? Determinism Possibilism Humanism Welfare approach 43 / 58 43. One of these choices is not an approach to Human Geography: Quantitative Revolution Areal Differentiation Regional Analysis Spatial Organisation 44 / 58 44. Which branch of geography does not belong to Human Geography? Population Geography Economic Geography Physical Geography Social Geography 45 / 58 45. Which subject is called Mother Discipline? Geography Economics History Political Science 46 / 58 46. Behavioural School of Thought laid emphasis on: past experience live experience present experience None of the above 47 / 58 47. Main feature of Early Colonial period is: the discovery and exploration of new areas identifying the uniqueness of any region phase of the quantitative revolution grand generalisations and the applicability of universal theories 48 / 58 48. Which approach of Human Geography was followed in colonial period? Areal differentiation Spatial organization Behavioural Regional 49 / 58 49. Neo-determinism was introduced by: Marx Griffith Taylor Newton Mahatma Gandhi 50 / 58 50. Who is not a French geographer out of the following? Blache Bruches Demanzia Ritter 51 / 58 51. Which one of the following is the most important factor in the interaction between people and the environment? human intelligence people’s perception technology human brotherhood 52 / 58 52. Which sub-field of geography is called Demography? Population Geography Gender Geography Rural Geography Urban Geography 53 / 58 53. Which one of the following is not a suitable example of ‘organism’? Mouth of the river Nose of volcano Profile of soil Snout(nose) of glacier. 54 / 58 54. Which one of the following is the most important factor in the interaction between people and the environment? human intelligence people’s perception technology human brotherhood 55 / 58 55. Neo- determinism was introduced by: Marx Griffith Taylor Newton Mahatma Gandhi 56 / 58 56. Which one of the following is not source of geographical information? traveller’s accounts old maps samples of rock materials from the moon ancient epics 57 / 58 57. Human beings interact with their physical environment with the help of : Animals Technology Arts birds 58 / 58 58. Which of the following periods marked the emergence of spatial organization approach in Human geography? Late 1960s to early 1970s Late 1950s to late 1960s 1970s 1990s Your score isThe average score is 74% 0% Restart quiz
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