MCQs for Class 12 Geography Book 1 - Chapter 2 The World Population Distribution, Density and Growth

Multiple Choice Questions

Question.1. Which continent has the highest growth rate of the population?

(a) Asia
(b) Africa
(c) Europe
(d) Australia

(b) Africa

Question.2. Which continent has the lowest growth rate of population?

(a) Africa
(b) South America
(c) Asia
(d) Europe

(d) Europe

Question.3. Which of the following is not a pull factor of migration?

(a) Water shortage
(b) employment
(c) Medical facilities
(d) Educational facilities

(a) Water shortage

Question.4. By the 2025 AD the world population may be increased up to…….

(a) 6.8 billion
(b) 8 billion
(c) 6 billion
(d) 8.6 billion

(b) 8 billion

Question.5. Migrants who move out of a place are called:

(a) Emigrants
(b) Migrants
(c) Foreigner
(d) Immigrants

(a) Emigrants

Question.6. Migrants who move into a new place are called:

(a) Emigrants
(b) NRI
(c) Immigrants
(d) Migrants

(c) Immigrants

Question.7. Population increased by the difference between births and deaths in a particular region between two points of time is called:

(a) Growth of population
(b) Natural Growth of population
(c) Positive Growth of population
(d) Negative Growth of population

(b) Natural Growth of population

Question.8. Total population of the world at the beginning of 21st century was-

(a) 5 billion
(b) 6 billion
(c) 7 billion
(d) 4 billion

(b) 6 billion

Question.9. Which one of the following is not a component of population change?

(a) Birth rate
(b) Sex ratio
(c) Death rate
(d) Migration

(b) Sex ratio

Question.10. Change of population in particular area between two points of time is known as:

(a) Growth of Population
(b) Population Growth Rate
(c) Positive Growth of Population
(d) Negative Growth of Population

(a) Growth of Population

Question.11. The movement of people from one place to another within the country or to a foreign country is termed as:

(a)population movement
(b) population disturbance
(c) migration
(d) immigration

(c) migration

Question.12. The change of population expressed in percentage is called:

(a) Growth Rate of Population
(b) Population Growth Rate
(c) Positive Growth of Population
(d) Negative Growth of Population

(a) Growth Rate of Population

Question.13. When the birth rate is more than the death rate between two points of time or when people from other countries migrate permanently to a region is called:

(a) Natural Growth of Population
(b) Population Growth Rate
(c) Positive Growth of Population
(d) Negative Growth of Population

(c) Positive Growth of Population

Question.14. If the population decreases between two points of time is known as:

(a) Natural Growth of Population
(b) Population Growth Rate
(c) Positive Growth of Population
(d) Negative Growth of Population

(d) Negative Growth of Population

Question.15. The first stage of the Demographic Transition Theory has:

(a) High fertility and Low mortality
(b) High fertility and High mortality
(c) Low fertility and Low mortality
(d) Low Fertility and Constant Mortality

(b) High fertility and High mortality

Question.16. A theory which tells us that population of any region changes from high births and high deaths to low births and low deaths as society progresses from rural agrarian and illiterate to urban industrial and literate society. These changes occur in stages which are collectively known as :

(a) Demographic Theory/ Demographic Transition
(b) Demographic evolution
(c) Demographic digression
(d) Population Explosion

(a) Demographic Theory/ Demographic Transition

Question.17. When people move from one place to another, the place they move from is called the ___________.

(a) Place of destination
(b) Place of origin
(c) Movement Place
(d) Both (a) and (b)

(b) Place of Origin

Question.18. When people move from one place to another the place, they move to is called the ____________.

(a) Place of destination
(b) Place of origin
(c) Movement Place
(d) Both (a) and (b)

(a) Place of destination

Question.19. Which one of the following is not a correct pair?

1. Mediterranean region → Pleasant Climate
2. Ganga Plains → Minerals
3. Osaka Industrial → Region
4. Katanga Zambia → Copper mines

(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4

(b) 2

Question.20. “Asia has many places where people are few and few place where people are very many”. This is the remark made by:

(a) George B. Cressey
(b) Vidal de La Blache
(c) Ellen C Semple
(d) Griffith Taylor

(a) George B. Cressey

Question.21. Which is the most important factor that attract the human inhabitation in particular area?

(a) Availability of water
(b) Inhospitable Climate
(c) Natural disaster
(d) Political turmoil

(a) Availability of water

Question.22. The population growth or population change refers to the _____________ of inhabitants of a territory during a specific period of time.

(a) Decrease in number
(b) Change in number
(c) Increase in number
(d) Migration

(b) Change in number

Question.23. In how many years world population increased from 5 billion to 6 billion.

(a) 10 Years
(b) 20 Years
(c) 15 Years
(d) 12 Years

(d) 12 Years

Question.24. Which one of the following is NOT a measure to control population?

(a) Propaganda
(b) Family Planning
(c) Tax incentive to large family
(d) free availability of contraceptive

(c) Tax incentive to large family

Question.25. Who said: ‘The preventive checks are better than the physical checks” regarding population control?

(a) George B. Cressey
(b) Thomas Malthus
(c) Ellen C Semple
(d) Griffith Taylor

(b) Thomas Malthus

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