MCQs for Class 12 Geography Book 1 - Chapter 3 Human Development

Multiple Choice Questions

Question.1. Which statement depicts the best definition of sustainable development?

(a) It means optimal utilization of natural resources.
(b) Sustainable use of natural resources without considering the need of the future generation.
(c) Present generation fulfils its needs while considers the needs of the future generation as well.
(d) None of these

(c) Present generation fulfils its needs while considers the needs of the future generation as well

Question.2. Making equal access to opportunities available to everyone refers to..

(a) Empowerment
(b) Productivity
(c) Equity
(d) Sustainability

(c) Equity

Question.3. Countries with high level of human development invest more in ….

(a) Industrial sector
(b) Social Sector.
(c) Political sector
(d) Human Sector

(a) Industrial sector

Question.4. Concept of Human development involves the …

(a) Life on the surface of the earth
(b) Quality of life of the people
(c) Man’s adjustment to the environment
(d) How environment dictates the activities of man

(b) Quality of life of the people

Question.5. Empowerment is the power …

(a) Having needs of serves
(b) To make choice
(c) To change the environment.
(d) To increase the opportunities

(b) To make choice.

Question.6. Standard of Living is measured by:

(a) GDP per capita
(b) GNH per capita
(c) GPH per capita
(d) HDI

(a) GDP per capita

Question.7. Which one of the following countries has highest Hunan development index?

(a) Norway
(b) Egypt
(c) Australia
(d) USA

(a) Norway

Question.8. Which one of the following describes human development in best manner?

(a) an increase in size.
(b) A positive change in quality
(c) a negative change in quality
(d) A simple change

(b) A positive change in quality

Question.9. Which is the only country in the world that officially proclaims the gross national happiness as the measure of country’s progress?

(a) Nepal
(b) India
(c) Bhutan
(d) Sri Lanka

(c) Bhutan

Question.10. Which three indicators are used in the Human Development Index (HDI)?

(I) Standard of living
(II) Education
(III) Life expectancy
(IV) Condition of environment

(a) Only I,II& IV
(b) Only I, II, & III
(c) Only I & II
(d) Only I, IV, & III

(b) Only I, II, & III

Question.11. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched

(a) Income approach:- Human Development is seen as being linked to income.
(b) Welfare approach:- It looks at human beings as beneficiaries or targets of all development activities.
(c) Basic need approach:- Proposed by Dr.Mahbub -ul- Haq in which human choices are considered.
(d) Capability approach:- Associated to Prof. Amartya Sen. Building shooting capability is in the area of health education and resources

(c) Basic need approach:- Proposed by Dr.Mahbub -ul- Haq in which human choices are considered

Question.12. Sustainability means

(a) Conservation of environment
(b) Continuity in availability of opportunities
(c) Each generation must have same opportunity
(d) (b) and (c) Both

(d) (b) and (c) Both

Question.13. Countries with very high human development index are those which have a score of:

(a) about 0.8
(b) below 0.8
(c) over 0.8
(d) not even close to 0.8

(a) about 0.8

Question.14. ___________ approach looks at human beings as beneficiaries or targets of all development

(a) Welfare
(b) Capability
(c) Income
(d) Basic needs

(a) Welfare

Question.15. The __________ index is related to the human development index. This index measures the shortfall in human development.

(a) Human Poverty Index
(b) Gross Happiness Index
(c) Income Index
(d) Basic Needs Index

(a) Human Poverty Index

Question.16. The countries with highest human development index spend more on:

(a) Social Sector like health and education
(b) in war with developing countries
(c) providing food to the poor countries
(d) in construction sectors

(a) Social Sector like health and education

Question.17. Higher the level of income:

(a) the higher is the level of human development.
(b) the lower is the level of human development.
(c) the stagnant is the level of human development.
(d) The high the level of immigration flow

(a) the higher is the level of human development.

Question.18. A large proportion of the small countries which have been going through political turmoil and social instability in the form of civil war have _________.

(a) the higher is the level of human development.
(b) the lower is the level of human development.
(c) the stagnant is the level of human development.
(d) The high the level of immigration flow

(b) the lower is the level of human development.

Question.19. What is the purpose of introduced Beti Bachao Beti Padhao programme

(a) awareness about decline in child sex ratio
(b) Increase in child sex ratio
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of above

(c) Both (a) & (b)

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