MCQs for Class 12 Geography Book II - Chapter 1 Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition

Multiple Choice Questions

Question.1. Name the state of India having lowest density of population as per2011Census.

(a) Punjab
(b) Haryana
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Arunachal Pradesh

(d) Arunachal Pradesh

Question.2. The first complete population Census was conducted in India in:

(a) 1882
(b) 1881
(c) 1883
(d) 1884

(b) 1881

Question.3. Which one of the following Indian states has the highest population density?

(a) West Bengal
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Kerala
(d) Bihar

(d) Bihar

Question.4. The number of farmers per unit area of farmland is known as:

(a) Agricultural density of a population
(b) Working density of a population
(c) Industrial density of a population
(d) Rural density of a population

(a) Agricultural density of a population

Question.5. The natural growth rate is analysed by assessing the:

(a) Crude birth and death rate
(b) Positive birth and death rate
(c) Negative birth and death rate
(d) All of the Above

(a) Crude birth and death rate

Question.6. Which of these language families is predominant in India?

(a) Sino-Tibetian
(b) Dravidian
(c) Austric
(d) Indo-European

(d) Indo-European

Question.7. Where does India ranks as a world population?

(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Fifth
(d) Seventh

(b) Second

Question.8. The period from1901to1921is referred to as period of:

(a) Stagnant or stationery phase of growth of India’s population.
(b) Steady population growth.
(c) Population explosion in India.
(d) None of the Above

(a) Stagnant or stationery phase of growth of India’s population

Question.9. The period of steady population growth was of:

(a) 1921-1951
(b) 1911-1921
(c) 1901-1911
(d) 1931-1941

(a) 1921-1951

Question.10. The state with the highest population in India is

(a) West Bengal
(b) Kerala
(c) Uttar Pradesh
(d) Kerala

(c) Uttar Pradesh

Question.11. Arrange the states of India with highest to lowest population density.

(i) West Bengal
(ii) Bihar
(iii) Uttar Pradesh
(iv) Maharashtra


(a) i, ii, iii, iv
(b) ii, i, iii, iv
(c) iv, iii, ii, i
(d) ii, iv, i, iii

(b) ii, i, iii, iv

Question.12. _________ is the term which means the spread of people a cross the world.

(a) Population disturbance
(b) Population distribution
(c) Population counting
(d) None of the above

(b) Population distribution

Question.13. The density of population is the number of people per unit area of arable land.

(a) Physiological
(b) Psychological
(c) Physical
(d) Phishing

(a) Physiological

Question.14. _________ of population is the change in the number of people living in a particular area between two points of time.

(a) Growth
(b) Decline
(c) Stability
(d) Access

(a) Growth

Question.15. In which state has the lowest positive growth rate in India?

(a) Kerala
(b) Bihar
(c) Maharashtra
(d) Nagaland

(d) Nagaland

Question.16. Which State was recorded the highest female literacy rate as per 2011 census?

(a) Bihar
(b) West Bengal
(c) Kerala
(d) Rajasthan

(c) Kerala

Question.17. What was the Decadal growth of Population between 2001 and 2011?

(a) 15.56 %
(b) 19.65 %
(c) 21.24 %
(d) 17.64 %

(d) 17.64 %

Question.18. Which one of the following Union Territories has the highest density of population?

(a) NCT Delhi
(b) Andaman and Nicobar Island
(c) Chandigarh
(d) Puducherry

(a) NCT Delhi

Question.19. Why are Fertility and Mortality rates high in the first stage of Demographic Transition Theory?

(a) People have a lot of buffer stock as food security.
(b) People reproduce more to compensate for the deaths due to epidemics.
(c) People are highly educated at this stage.
(d) There is technological advancement in all fields.

(b) People reproduce more to compensate for the deaths due to epidemics

Question.20. What led to decline in Mortality rate in the Second stage of Demographic Transition Theory?

(a) Due to improvement in Sanitation and Health conditions.
(b) Due to insufficient supply of food grain that led to starvation.
(c) Due to widespread illiteracy all over the world.
(d) Due to unfavorable sex ratio prevailing in developing countries.

(a) Due to improvement in Sanitation and Health conditions

Question.21. Why does fertility rate show a declining trend in the third stage of Demographic Transition Theory?

(a) This is because human beings are not able to adjust their fertility.
(b) Literacy rates show a downward trend all over the world.
(c) The population becomes urbanized and has high technical know how.
(d) There is acute food shortage in countries with a high Human Development Index.

(c) The population becomes urbanized and has high technical knowhow.

Question.22. Which theory is used to describe and predict the future population of an area?

(a) Demographic Transition Theory
(b) Population theory
(c) Development theory
(d) Pyramid theory

(a) Demographic Transition Theory

Question.23. The number of farmers per unit area of farmland is known as :

(a) agricultural density of a population
(b) working density of a population
(c) industrial density of a population
(d) rural density of a population

(a) agricultural density of a population

Question.24. The natural growth rate is analysed by assessing the:

(a) crude birth and death rate
(b) positive birth and death rate
(c) negative birth and death rate
(d) All of the Above

(a) crude birth and death rate

Question.25. Arrange the following phases in a sequence order according to their occurrence in Indian population:

(i) Population explosion
(ii) Stationary phase
(iii) Decreased growth
(iv) Steady growth


(a) i, iv, ii, iii
(b) iv, i, iii, ii
(c) ii, iv, i, iii
(d) iii, ii, iv, i

(c) ii, iv, i, iii

Question.26. In the post 1981 till present, the growth rate of country’s population has been _____ .

(a) Stagnant
(b) High
(c) Declining
(d) Constant

(c) Declining

Question.27. ___________ of population is the change in the number of people living in a particular area between two points of time.

(a) Growth
(b) Decline
(c) Stability
(d) Access

(a) Growth

Question.28. An important aspect of population growth in India is the growth of its_______.

(a) Adolescent
(b) Toddlers
(c) Old age
(d) All of the Above

(a) Adolescent

Question.29. Name the department/agency which enumerates the population data in India?

(a) Population Department of India
(b) Census Department of India
(c) Population and Statistical Department of India
(d) Human Resource Department.

(b) Census Department of India

Question.30. Which state of India has highest population?

(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Bihar
(c) Punjab
(d) Kerala

(a) Uttar Pradesh

Question.31. Which state has lowest literacy rate?

(a) Bihar
(b) Odhisha
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Jharkhand

(a) Bihar

Question.32. India has undergone how many stages/phases of population growth?

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four

(d) Four

Question.33. What is the percentage of rural and urban population in the total population of India in (2011)?

(a) Rural population-70% & Urban population-30%
(b) Rural population-68.5% & Urban population-31.5%
(c) Rural population-68.8% & Urban population-31.2%
(d) Rural population-74.6% & Urban population-24.4.%

(c) Rural population-68.8% & Urban population-31.2%

Question.34. Which state has the highest % of rural population?

(a) U.P.
(b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Bihar
(d) Sikkim

(b) Himachal Pradesh

Question.35. First census of India was held in which year?

(a) 1872
(b) 1881
(c) 1885
(d) 1891

(a) 1872

Question.36. How many scheduled languages in our constitution?

(a) 20
(b) 21
(c) 22
(d) 23

(c) 22

Question.37. Actual increase in population is calculated as?

(a) Death rate – Birth rate
(b) Birth rate – Death rate
(c) Birth rate – Death rate – outmigration + in migration
(d) Death rate – Birth rate – outmigration + in migration

(c) Birth rate – Death rate – outmigration + in migration

Question.38. A worker is known as main worker, who works atleast:-

(a) 183 days or more
(b) 185 days
(c) Less than 183 days
(d) 200 days

(a) 183 days or more

Question.39. Which one of the following is not the cause of higher rates of work participation in some states of India than others?

(a) Lower economic development
(b) Most of the work done by manual labour
(c) High level of economic development

(c) High level of economic development

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