MCQs for Class 12 Geography Book II - Chapter 6 Planning and Sustainable Development in Indian Context

Multiple Choice Questions

Question.1. NITI AYOG was formed on?

(a) 5 January 2016
(b) 1 January 2014
(c) 5 January 2017
(d) 1 January 2017

(a) 1 January 2015

Question.2. Sustainable Development doesn’t include which of the following aspect?

(a) Ecological
(b) Social
(c) Economic
(d) None of the above

(d) None of the above

Question.3. Which of the following statement is not correct about Indira Gandhi Canal?

(a) The Canal was launched on 31st March, 1958
(b) The canal originates at Harike barrage in Haryana
(c) The total planned length of the system is 9,060 km
(d) None of the above

(b) The canal originates at Harike barrage in Haryana

Question.4. Drought Prone Area Programme was initiated under which 5 YEAR PLAN?

(a) 3rd
(b) 4th
(c) 5th
(d) 6th

(a) 4th

Question.5. Who submitted Brundtland Report?

(a) Meander Brundtland
(b) Gio Brundtland
(c) Sirgio Brundtland
(d) Gro Brundtland

(d) Gro Brundtland

Question.6. Measures for the promotion of sustainable development does not include

(a) Strict implementation of water management policy
(b) Cropping pattern shall not include water intensive crops
(c) Areas affected by water logging and soil salinity shall be reclaimed.
(d) The economic sustainability in the region can be attained on through the development of agriculture

(d) The economic sustainability in the region can be attained on through the development of agriculture

Question.7. The Gaddis were included among ST (Scheduled Tribes) in

(a) 1971
(b) 1970s
(c) 1969
(d) None of the above

(b) 1970s


I. SFDA stands for the small farmers Development Agency
II. MFDA stands for Marginal Farmers Development Agency
III. There are two approaches to planning. Which is Sectoral planning & Regional planning

Choose the correct option: –

(a) Only statement (I) & (II) are correct
(b) Only statement (I) is correct
(c) Only statement (III) & (I) are correct
(d) None of the above

(d) None of the above

mcqS 12th Geography Chapter 6Study the above map carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Question.9. Mention the source of origin of this canal

(a) Harike Barrage
(b) Kaveri River
(c) Ganga River
(d) Yamuna River.

(a) Harike Barrage

Question.10. The book “Population Bomb” was written by

(a) Janine Benyus
(b) Ehrlich
(c) Meadows
(d) Michael Baumgart

(b) Ehrlich

Question.11. Bharmaur tribal area includes: –

(a) Bharmaur
(b) Holi tehsils
(c) Both A & B
(d) None of the above

(c) Both A & B

Question.12. The total length of Indira Gandhi Canal command area is

(a) 9080km
(b) 9060km
(c) 9070km
(d) 9050km

(b) 9060 km

Question.13. WCED means

(a) World committee on environment and development
(b) World Committee on ecosystem and development
(c) World conference on energy and development
(d) World Commission on Environment and Development

(d) World Commission on Environment and Development

Question.14. Sustainable Development doesn’t include which of the following aspect?

(a) Ecological
(b) Social
(c) Economic
(d) None of the above

(d) None of the above

Question.15. Indira Gandhi Canal is also known as

(a) Indira Canal
(b) Rajasthan Canal
(c) Desert Canal
(d) All of the above

(b) Rajasthan Canal

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