Extra Questions for Class 10 IT (402) - Chapter 2 Self Management Skills II

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Question.1. What is Self-Management?
Answer. Self-Management refers to management of or by oneself; taking of responsibility for one’s own behavior and well-being. It also means managing yourself with the people and resources around you.

Question.2. What is the aim of Self-Management person?
Answer. The aims of Self-Management person are conducting oneself for the greater good of the individual, family and the society.

Question.3. Write the qualities of Self-Management person.
Answer. The qualities of Self-Management person are :-

  1. Self-managed person not only manages himself well but also behaves responsibly towards people around.
  2. Self- Management is needed by everyone around us and it is needed in all stages and walks of life.
  3. Self-managed person is like a tree who is taking care of itself and is also helping others to lead a comfortable life.

Question.4. What are the reasons for promotion of Self-Management person.
Answer. The reasons behind promotion of self-management are as follows:

  1. Don’t want the individual to be dependent on anybody else.
  2. to instills self-confidence in individual to deal his or her life
  3. to provides a long term and sustainable mechanism of handling personal life.

Question.5. How is Self-Management exhibited?
Answer. Self-management is exhibited by our habits, manners, knowledge, intentions and our deeds.

Question.6. How good habit is useful?
Answer. Good habits like brushing teeth, taking bath, eating balanced diet and getting up and sleeping at right time every day, helps us maintain good health and physique.

Question.7. How good knowledge is useful?
Answer. Good knowledge acquisition and learning increases self-esteem and develops an inquisitive mindset and curious approach.

Question.8. How good intentions are useful?
Answer. Good intentions guide us to do the right things. They help us identify the right path and right approach to handle situations.

Question.9. How a good deed is useful?
Answer. A good deed done to help others is worth more than a million good words spoken.

Question.10. What are the environmental forces for students?
Answer. Environmental forces for students can be the class schedule, assignments, competitions, exams, different students and their behavior.

Question.11. What are the benefits of principles of self-management for students?
Answer. Benefits of principle of self-management are

  1. It guides individuals to self-monitor their conduct and behavior.
  2. It helps in self-evaluation.
  3. It leads to self – reinforcement of positive behavior.

Question.12. What do you mean by self-monitor?
Answer. Self-monitor means, individual can monitor their conduct and behavior. It makes them proactive. It prepares individuals to complete task independently. Instill ownership to the task and the consequences amongst individuals.

Question.13. What do you mean by self-evaluation?
Answer. Self-evaluation means, individual can do course correction by themselves if they do not get desired goals. Once the goals are achieved as desired, it also motivates individuals.

Question.14. What do you mean by self-reinforcement?
Answer. Self-reinforcement means appropriate behavior of students as per the time, situation and people involved. Self-reinforcement motivates individuals to take up right things and refrains from getting indulged into negative things, keeping long term consequences in focus.

Question.15. What are the different types of self-management skills?
Answer. Following are the self-management skills that individuals should possess to enjoy the fruits of self-management.

(a) Self-confidence
(b) Stress Management
(c) Independent Working
(d) Team Player
(e) Time Management
(f) Self-motivation
(g) Personality management

Question.16. What is Self-confidence?
Answer. Self-confidence refers to trusting one capabilities and potentialities to achieve the necessary goals, objectives and challenges in life and being worthy of leading a happy life.

Question.17. What do you mean by stress management?
Answer. Stress management refers to a state of psychological tension and discomfort originating from unforeseen, difficult, confusing and challenging situations.

Question.18. What do you mean by Independent Working?
Answer. When an individual is assigned a task(s), he/she takes ownership and doesn’t require constant assistance or supervision to complete that task(s). This is called Independence working.

Question.19. Who is known as Team player?
Answer. A person who conforms well with norms of a team and contributes to the attainment of the common goals in an efficient and effective way is called as a team player.

Question.20. Who is Time Management?
Answer. Time Management is conscious effort to prioritize task according to the time at hand to increase productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.

Question.21. What is Self-Motivation?
Answer. Motivation is defined as a driving force responsible to do something. The students who are motivated to achieve their academic goal, their future is much better than others. This is called Self motivation.

Question.22. What is Personality management?
Answer. General neatness, grooming, appropriate dressing, apt verbal and non-verbal communication are components of good personality. It is called personality management.

Question.23. What is Self-Confidence?
Answer. General neatness, grooming, appropriate dressing, apt verbal and non-verbal communication are components of good personality. It is called personality management.

Question.24. Who guide the person in day to day life?
Answer. Generally Parents, teachers and guardians are guide them. But in absence of them, principle of self-management guide the individual day in and day out, on how to respond to the environmental forces.

Question.25. What do you mean by Self management?
Answer. Self-management, also referred to as ‘self-control,’ is the ability to control one’s emotions, thoughts and behavior effectively in different situations.

Question.26. What is Stress?
Answer. Stress can be defined as our emotional, mental, physical and social reaction to any perceived demands or threats.

Question.27. Give any two examples where small amount of stress is helpful.
Answer. Two examples where small amount of stress is helpful are :

  1. A fire alarm is intended to cause stress that alerts you to avoid danger.
  2. The stress created by a deadline to finish a paper can motivate you to finish it on time.

Question.28. Write the effects of stress on our life.
Answer. It can harm our emotional and physical health, and limit our ability to function well at home, in school and within our relationships.

Question.29. What is Stress management?
Answer. Stress management is managing stress by making a plan to be able to cope effectively with daily pressures.

Question.30. What are the benefits of Stress management?
Answer. Benefits of Stress management are :

  1. We have a joyful life.
  2. We will be more energetic and spend quality time with our friends and family.
  3. We can complete our task on time

Question.31. Write four sign/symptoms of stress.
Answer. Four Symptoms of stress management are :

a. Headache
b. Sleeplessness
c. Sadness
d. Excessive worrying
e. Nervousness

Question.32. Name any four stress management techniques.
Answer. Four stress management techniques are:

a. Time management
b. Physical exercise and fresh air.
c. Healthy diet
d. Holidays with family and friends

Question.33. Write four qualities of those person who work independently.
Answer. Four qualities are:

  1. They are self-aware, self-monitored and self-correcting.
  2. They take the initiative rather than being told what to do.
  3. They have the ability to learn continuously.
  4. They recognize their own mistakes.

Question.34. What do you mean by emotional intelligence?
Answer. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.

Question.35. Write three steps to manage emotional intelligence.
Answer. Three steps to manage emotional intelligence are :

  1. Understand your emotions: Observe your behavior and then work on the things you need to improve.
  2. Rationalize: Do not take decisions abruptly; be rational in your thinking.
  3. Practice: Do meditation and yoga to keep yourself calm.

Question.36. What do you mean by Self awareness?
Answer. Self awareness means knowing your inner strengths, hidden talents, skills and even weaknesses.

Question.37. Differentiate between Interests and Abilities.

  1. Things that you like to do in your free time that make you happy.
  2. Things you are curious to do even if no one asked you to do it.


  1. An acquired or natural capacity.
  2. Enable you to perform a particular task with proficiency.

Question.38. What do you mean by Self motivation?
Answer. Self-motivation is an internal force that pushes us to achieve our goals, feel happy and improve our quality of life.

Question.39. Write four Qualities of Self-motivated people.
Answer. Four Qualities of Self-motivated People are:

  1. They know what they want from life.
  2. They are focused.
  3. They know what is important for them.
  4. They are dedicated to fulfill their dreams.

Question.40. Write four steps of Self motivation.
Answer. Four steps of Self motivation are :

  1. Find out your strengths.
  2. Focus on your goals.
  3. Develop a plan to achieve your goals.
  4. Stay loyal to your goals.

Question.41. What do you mean by Goal and Goal Setting?
Answer. Goals : They are a set of dreams with a deadline to get them, for example, saving pocket money to buy a favorite mobile phone by a particular date.
Goal setting : It is all about finding and listing your goals and then planning on how to achieve them.

Question.42. Ravi is using SMART method to set goals. What is SMART stands for?
Answer. SMART stands for :

Time bound

Question.43. What do you mean by Time management?
Answer. Time management is the ability to plan and control how you spend your day well and do all that you want to do.

Question.44. Write the four steps for effective Time management.
Answer. Four Steps for Effective Time Management are :

  1. Organise: We should plan our day-to-day activities.
  2. Pritortise: We should make our to-do-list
  3. Control: We should have a control over our activities and time.
  4. Track: We should identify and note where we have spent our time.

Question.45. What do you mean by self – management skills?
Answer. Your ability to regulate and control your actions, feelings, and thoughts is referred to as selfmanagement skills. It also helps to improve personal and academic goals. Self-management can also helps in the following areas:-

  1. Reaching your goals
  2. Developing good habits
  3. Overcoming challenges and difficulties
  4. Overcoming bad habits

Question.46. What are the different practices of self management skills?
Answer. Self – management skills are –

  1. Self – awareness: Ability to control your values, likes, strengths, dislikes and weaknesses, etc.
  2. Self – control: Holding the ability to control your behavior, discipline, and so on.
  3. Self – confidence: Believe in yourself and don’t be scared to take risks.
  4. Problem solving: Understanding a problem and finding the solution.
  5. Self motivation: Try to complete your tasks without any external help.
  6. Personal hygiene: Be healthy, clean and smart
  7. Positive thinking: Expressing certainty or affirmation even in tough situations
  8. Teamwork: Work in team to complete the goals
  9. Time management: According to your plan, achieve the task on time.
  10. Goal setting: Plan and accomplish the goals within a timeframe.

Question.47. Write a short note on the factors influencing self – management.
Answer. Factors influencing the self – management are patients, cognitive, mental, and behavioral ability to identify disease – related symptoms, seek treatment, and to identify physical, psychological and social changes.

Question.48. Write Self – management skills strengths and weaknesses?
Answer. Self – management skills strengths and weaknesses –

Strengths –

  1. Think that you are always good at
  2. Think about what you do well
  3. Think about what others appreciate about you

Weaknesses –

  1. Identify the areas where you struggle and what you find difficult to do
  2. Accept the feedback you receive from others
  3. Be positive with feedback and try to improve yourself.

Question.49. Write the Qualities of self – confidence?
Answer. Qualities of self – confident people –

  1. Self – belief – Always believe in yourself and respect the failures, make you successful in life.
  2. Hard Work – Work hard to achieve the goal, don’t be afraid of failures.
  3. Positive Attitude – Positive attitude means focusing on the goal and trying to achieve.

Question.50. How to build self – confidence?
Answer. There are three steps to build self – confidence are as follows –

  1. Step 1: Appreciate achievements & accept failures.
  2. Step 2: Make a goal and try to achieve.
  3. Step 3: Always look on the positive side and be happy.

Question.51. What are the factors that decrease self – confidence?
Answer. Some of the factors which decrease self – confidence

  1. When we think we are unable to complete a task.
  2. When you feel bad from the past mistakes, and unmotivated.
  3. After failure in the first attempt, do not try again to achieve the goal.
  4. When we are surrounded by people who have negative thoughts.

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