Employability Skills II

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)


Class 10 IT 402


MCQs of Employability Skills II

Set of 50 MCQs for practice of Employability Skills II for class 10 IT-402

1 / 50

Being ............................. means that you can identify your strengths and weaknesses.

2 / 50

Microsoft window is a/an ............... .

3 / 50

What is the full form of FTP?

4 / 50

Neha spends all her after-school hours to practice more and more sample question papers. She wants to do well in her exams. This is an example of .............................. .

5 / 50

Stress refers to ...................... strain/tension.

6 / 50

Self-Reliance means ......................... .

7 / 50

We should ...................... during communication.

8 / 50

Email servers accept, forward, deliver and .......................... messages.

9 / 50

Ctrl + V is used to ....................... .

10 / 50

Which of the following is an un realistic goal?

11 / 50

Which of the following input device is used in playing computer games?

12 / 50

Binary code is also known as ........................... .

13 / 50

The elements of communication is ......................... .

14 / 50

We can use ..................... method to set goals.

15 / 50

In oral communication the speaker can observe the listener's being elated.

16 / 50

She was so shy ........................... all invitations.

17 / 50

Having conscious knowledge of your own self, capabilities, feelings and one's own character is called as ............................... .

18 / 50

Which of the following is NOT good practice when in an interview?

19 / 50

Kinesthetic is the interpretation of body language, such as ......................... .

20 / 50

Which of the following two are the parts of CPU?

21 / 50

Two popular pointing devices are ............................ .

22 / 50

......................... is a practice where an individual is supposed to focus his/her mind.

23 / 50

...................... stress makes a person worrisome, less productive and may lead to various disorders.

24 / 50

................................ are a set of dreams with a deadline to get them.

25 / 50

GUI stands for ................... .

26 / 50

Ravi works hard to get the best student award at the end of year. What type of motivation is this?

27 / 50

Issues related to health of an individual can lead to low self-esteem and cause ............... stress.

28 / 50

External memory or is a form of permanent storage.

29 / 50

Keyboard is a/an ................. device.

30 / 50

To move a file/ folder from one location to another, use ......................... options.

31 / 50

What is the full form of PPP?

32 / 50

Time management is the thinking skill that helps you to .......................

33 / 50

One of the major consequences of high self-esteem is ............................... .

34 / 50

A .......................... is a word which connects words phrases, clauses or sentences.

35 / 50

Goals should be ................................

36 / 50

Most of our day-to-day reading is done ............................. .

37 / 50

Ability to work independently can be enhanced by being ............................. .

38 / 50

BCC option is used to send a copy of e-mail to ............................ .

39 / 50

In an interview when you do not know an answer, you should ............................. .

40 / 50

Qualities of self-motivated people is/are .......................

41 / 50

Irritation, impatience, loneliness, upset mood, anxiety are signs of ............................. stress.

42 / 50

MICR is mostly used ........................ .

43 / 50

........................ makes you to complete work or studies without others cheering you.

44 / 50

Which of the following cell pointer indicates you that you can make selection?

45 / 50

Different type of indentations are .................... .

46 / 50

What is essential to understand pronunciation of simple words?

47 / 50

Stress management prevents .............................. .

48 / 50

........................ is/are stress management technique.

49 / 50

Types of skill development includes .............................. .

50 / 50

WWW stands for ....................... .

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