CBSE CBSE Class 10 IT (402) Class 10 Multiple Choice Questions Facebook Twitter Telegram WhatsApp MCQs of Database Management System Set 1 MCQs of Database Management System MCQs of Database Management System 1 / 100 Which of the following is DML commands? Insert Update Delete All of these 2 / 100 Which language help to extract/fetch data from table? MySQL Python OOBase HTML 3 / 100 Which of the following field is invalid for storing information of “Library” Table? Cost Booknumber Authorname Dateofbirth 4 / 100 Char is a ....................... length data type and varchar is a ........................... length data type. Fixed, Variable Variable, Fixed Variable, Variable Fixed, Fixed 5 / 100 Which of the following clause return specific rows? Order By Where Having Specific 6 / 100 Which data type will be appropriate to store information as Salary, Fees, Price etc? Numeric Data type Alphanumeric Data types Binary Data types Date Time 7 / 100 Which command is used to display the salary of all the employees after incrementing by 1000? Select Update Modify Change 8 / 100 Which of the following property to be turned “yes” so that value will be auto incremented? Default Format Auto value Length 9 / 100 Which of the following is not a database program? MySQL Oracle Writer OObase 10 / 100 Only numeric fields can act as a primary key in a table. True False 11 / 100 Which of the following is not a numeric data type? Tinyint Smallint Boolean Date 12 / 100 We cannot delete the data using queries. True False 13 / 100 Which of the following data types cannot store decimal values? Decimal Real Numeric Boolean 14 / 100 In Base data can be linked between two or more tables with the help of ...................... primary key foreign key primary and foreign key None of these 15 / 100 Which of the following is suitable to act as a primary key in table student? Rollno Name Class Section 16 / 100 A table is a collection of logically related data. True False 17 / 100 Identify the Foreign Key from table “Sales”Table Client:ClientID (primary Key)clientnameclientphoneTable : SalesSalesID (Primary Key)ClientIDProfit SalesID Profit Clientphone ClientID 18 / 100 SQL stands for .......................... Structural Query Language Structured Query Language Skeletal Query Language None of these 19 / 100 To get details about the list of students whose favourite colour is blue. Query for this is: select all from Stud where fav_Color=’Blue’; select name from Stud where fav_Color=’Blue’; select * from Stud where fav_Color=’Blue’; select all from Stud where fav_Color is ’Blue’; 20 / 100 Base automatically adds the column as Primary Key if we don’t add it. True False 21 / 100 By default, the length of Varchar data type is ........................... 20 30 40 50 22 / 100 ............................. statement is used to retrieve data from table. Delete Update Print Select 23 / 100 ........................ are dedicated computers that hold the actual databases and run only DBMS and related Software. Main Server Web Server Database Server Non-Database Server 24 / 100 In tables, data is organized in the form of rows and columns. True False 25 / 100 ......................... are the basic building blocks of a database. Tables Record Fields All of these 26 / 100 Open Office base is not an open-source software. True False 27 / 100 GUI act as front end and database server act as ....................... Container Back End End None of these 28 / 100 A record in table is also known as Attribute. True False 29 / 100 Which of the following clause return records in ascending order? Order By Where Order Asc Order Inc 30 / 100 .......................... represent a single data item in a table. Tuples Attributes Relation All of these 31 / 100 In a table we can have only ........................... primary key. 1 2 3 More than 3 32 / 100 Which of the following is not the date time data types? Date Time Datestamp Timestamp 33 / 100 SQL stands for ............................. Structured Queue Language Structured Query Language Structured Querty Language None of these 34 / 100 A ........................... helps to display the data in a summarized data. Report Form Query None of these 35 / 100 Update statement is used to modify data in a table. True False 36 / 100 Data Integrity means that data is accurate and consistent in the database. True False 37 / 100 Which command is used to modify data in table? delete select modify update 38 / 100 Which of the following will occupy more space in computer memory? Bigint Integer Smallint Boolean 39 / 100 Auto Value is a property of ........................... data type. Numeric Character Binary Date 40 / 100 Which of the following will help to maintain unique record in the table? Foreign Key Primary Key Composite Key Alternate Key 41 / 100 By default, the name of the table is ........................... Tab 1 Table 1 First Table Untitled 1 42 / 100 Which command is used to create table? Select Create Open New 43 / 100 Which of the following property helps to set the number of characters in Varchar type? Auto value Required Default Value Length 44 / 100 Which field is suitable for storing records of employees? EmpNo Empname Salary All of these 45 / 100 Which of the following is not the binary data types? Longvarbinary Varbinary Binary Charbinary 46 / 100 A .......................... helps to collect specific information from the pool of data. Query Report Form None of these 47 / 100 In RDBMS, data is organized in the form of .......................... Table Record Field None of these 48 / 100 ............................ are used to identify which type of data we are going to store in the database. Datatype Record Table Attributes 49 / 100 ........................ data types are used for storing photos, music files etc Binary Alphanumeric Numeric Special 50 / 100 In primary key we can enter NULL values. True False 51 / 100 We can create query (in Open Office Base) in ......................... . In design view Using wizard Both of the above None of these 52 / 100 Command to display all the data in the table “emp” is. Select * from emp Select * from emp; Select all from emp Select all from emp; 53 / 100 ........................ store data in Single table. Flat File Relational Single File One File 54 / 100 In which mode we can change the structure of table? Datasheet view Design view Structure view All of these 55 / 100 Duplicate values can be entered in primary key. True False 56 / 100 Every row in a table has the same structure. True False 57 / 100 Which property ensures that field cannot be left blank? Entry required Format Required Entry Required 58 / 100 ........................... is the most common DML command. Delete Update Select All of these 59 / 100 A database is an organized collection of ............................... . Data Attributes Record None of these 60 / 100 DML stands for ......................... Data Manipulation Language Database Manipulation Language Data Modify Language None of these 61 / 100 Duplication of data is called ............................ . Inconsistency Consistency Redundancy Foreign Key 62 / 100 When data is stored, maintained and retrieved from multiple tables then special database software are required called ......................... DBMS RDBMS Special DBMS All of these 63 / 100 Select “salary” from emp; will display all the records of table emp will display only particular columns of table emp; will display only salary column of table emp; None of these 64 / 100 In which view data can be entered in table? Datasheet view Design view Both of the above None of these 65 / 100 By default, data is arranged in .............................. order using order by clause. Ascending Descending Primary Key None of these 66 / 100 Queries are commands that are used to define the structure and modify the data in a table. True False 67 / 100 Which of the following is to be created first? Report Query Form Table 68 / 100 Which of the following field of table “Book” can act as primary key? Book_number Subject price Author_name 69 / 100 Which of the following software is appropriate to store data about school students? MS Access Writer Calc Impress 70 / 100 A foreign key is a primary key in another table. True False 71 / 100 .......................... tables can be created in a database. 1 2 3 More than 3 72 / 100 By default, data type of fields is. Text [Varchar] Text [Char] Int Long 73 / 100 Which data type is used to store value of fields like “Date of Birth”? Date Time Varchar Integer Other 74 / 100 We can create table: in design view use Wizard Both of the above None of these 75 / 100 A key which is referring to the primary key of another table is called .......................... Alternate Key Primary Key First Primary Key Foreign Key 76 / 100 There are ...................... types of relationship which can be created between tables. three two four infinite 77 / 100 Select “empname”, “salary” * 3 from emp; will increase the salary three times of all employees in table display name and three times salary give error None of these 78 / 100 A foreign key is a reference of the .......................... key in another table. Alternate Primary Candidate None of these 79 / 100 Primary key increases data redundancy. True False 80 / 100 Which command is used to delete data from table? select delete insert remove 81 / 100 Sorting means to arrange data in ............................. order. increasing decreasing increasing or decreasing None of these 82 / 100 After inserting records in table, we can not modify the structure of table. True False 83 / 100 All the values in ........................ are of same type. Records Table Database Fields 84 / 100 We can ....................... data in table. modify insert delete All of these 85 / 100 A .......................... provides a systematic way of storing information into the database. Report Query Form None of these 86 / 100 Which of the following is not an advantage of database? Sharing of Data Reduce Data Redundancy Increase Data Inconsistency Data Security 87 / 100 Shortcut to execute query in Create Query in SQL View is ........................ F7 Key F5 Key F8 Key F6 Key 88 / 100 There can be multiple primary keys in a table. True False 89 / 100 A field which is ............................ for each and every record is called Primary key. Common Same Unique None of these 90 / 100 select * from Stud order by “Rollno” ASC; display all the records of table display records in increasing order of roll number both of the above None of these 91 / 100 When primary key is made up of two or more columns then it is called ........................ primary key. Mixed Reference Composite Compost 92 / 100 Which of the following is not valid field in table “Student”? admno name fees salary 93 / 100 Duplicate values can be entered in Foreign key. True False 94 / 100 Referential Integrity is used to maintain accuracy and consistency of data in a relationship. True False 95 / 100 Relationship between tables can be created from .............................. menu. View Insert Windows Tools 96 / 100 Which of the following act as an interface to view, enter and change data in database? Report Table Query Form 97 / 100 Command to increase the salary of all employees by 15000. (Table name emp and column name sal) update emp set sal = sal + 15000; update emp set sal = 15000; update set sal = sal + 15000; None of these 98 / 100 By default, the length of the Integer data type is ............................ 10 15 20 25 99 / 100 A database can have only one table. True False 100 / 100 Relationship can be created between two tables only one table only two or more tables None of these Your score isThe average score is 68% 0% Restart quiz
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