MCQs of Maths Chapter 2 Polynomials

MCQs of Maths Chapter 2 Polynomials



Chapter 2 Polynomials

Class 10

1 / 22

If one zero of the polynomial 6x^{2}+37x-(k-2) is reciprocal of the other, then, what is the value of k?

2 / 22

The number of polynomials having zeroes -3 and 5 is

3 / 22

If α and β are the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = px^{2}-2x+3p and α + β = αβ then the value of p

4 / 22

If α and β are the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = x^{2}-ax-b, then the value of α^{2}+β^{2} is

5 / 22

The zeroes of the quadratic polynomial f(x) = x^{2}+99x+127 are

6 / 22

If one zero of the quadratic polynomial x^{2}+3x+k is 2, then the value of k is

7 / 22

Which of the following is not a polynomial?

8 / 22

What should be subtracted from the polynomial x^{2}-16x+30, so that 15 is the zero of the resulting polynomial?

9 / 22

If the product of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 3x^{2}+5x+k is -\frac{2}{3} then the value of k is

10 / 22

A quadratic polynomial whose sum and product of zeroes are –5 and 6 is

11 / 22

Find the quadratic polynomial whose zeros are -3 and 4.

12 / 22

If one of the zeroes of quadratic polynomial (k+3)x^{2}+2kx+6 is -3 ,then find value of k.

13 / 22

If 2 and \frac{1}{2} are two zeroes of px^{2}+5x+r, then

14 / 22

Which are the zeroes of p(x) = 6x^{2}-7x-3

15 / 22

The number of zeroes of the polynomial from the graph ismcqs-10th-maths-chap-2-polynomials-01

16 / 22

Find the sum and product of the zeroes of polynomial x^{2}-3x+5

17 / 22

The maximum number of zeroes a cubic polynomial can have, is

18 / 22

The zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = x^{2}+4x+3 are given by

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Which are the zeroes of p(x) = x^{2}-8x+15

20 / 22

If x+2 is factor of x^{2}+ax+2b and a + b = 4, then

21 / 22

If the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x^{2}+(a+1)x+b are 2 and –3, then

22 / 22

If α and β are the zeroes of the polynomial f(x) = 4x^{2}-3x-7, then the value of \frac{1}{α}+\frac{1}{β} is

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