NCERT Solutions Class 9 English - Beehive Poem Chapter 1 The Road Not Taken

NCERT Solutions

Thinking About The Poem

Question.1. Where does the traveller find himself? What problem does he face?
Ans. The traveller finds himself in the yellow woods at a point where the road divides in two parts. The problem that the poet faces is that he cannot decide which path to take to continue his journey because it is not possible for him to travel in both directions at the same time.

Question.2. Discuss what these phrases mean to you.
(i) a yellow wood
Ans. Yellow wood is a symbol of the autumn season. Autumn corresponds with old age. The poet could be, symbolically, talking about the later stage of life.

(ii) it was grassy and wanted wear
Ans. It conveys that the path was full of grass and no body had used that path. It was a smooth path that had not worn out.

(iii) the passing there
Ans. It implies walking on the road.

(iv) leaves no step had trodden black
Ans. It means the leaves had not been crushed under the feet of travellers.

(v) how way leads on to way
Ans. This means how certain decisions one makes in life could make way for many other decisions.

Question.3. Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describes them?
(i) in stanzas two and three.
Ans. In stanza two, the poet says that the only difference between the two roads was that the road he took had the right to be chosen (the better claim) as it was covered with grass and looked as if it had not been used much. However, in stanza three, the poet says that both the roads were equally covered with leaves and that no person had stepped on either of them.

(ii) in the last two lines of the poem.
Ans. In the last two lines of the poem, the poet says that there is a difference between the two roads because he took the road that was less travelled by other people and that made all the differences in his Journey.

Question.4. What do you think the last two lines of the poem mean? (Looking back, does the poet regret his choice or accept it?)
Ans. The last two lines have the gist of the poem. The poet expresses his opinion that it becomes difficult for a common man to change his/her decision. The poet wants to walk on the first road but he could not do so since life does not offer more change. The poet wanted to do something different in his life so he chose the less travelled way. No he does not regret his choice.

Question.1. Have you ever had to make a difficult choice (or do you think you will have difficult choices to make)? How will you make the choice (for what reasons)?
Ans. Such type of situations occur in everyone’s life. In today’s world, people have numerous options. But they should take the decision after considering all the ins and outs of the situations. We must ruminate over the disadvantages as well.
[Note : Students may write their own experiences]

Question.2. After you have made a choice do you always think about what might have been, or do you accept the reality?

Time is not measured by the passing of years but by what one does, what one feels, and what one achieves. – Jawaharlal Nehru

Ans. One should live in present and not in the past. Taking a decision sometimes makes or mars our future. The philosophy of ‘is’ is the key to attaining success.

Life is not a bed of roses. All hurdles should be crossed bravely. One must not feel nervous. On some instances, one needs to be confident about one’s choice.

Therefore, I believe in sticking to my decisions.

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