Short Answer Type Questions History Class 10 Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Picture Based Questions

Question.1. Study the picture and answer the question that follows:mcqs-picture-based-history-class-10-ch-1-q-1Which of the following aspect best signifies the above image?

(a) Romanticism
(b) Conservatism
(c) Federalism
(d) Feminism

Ans.1. (a) Romanticism

Question.2. Study the picture and answer the question that follows:mcqs-picture-based-history-class-10-ch-1-q-2Which of the following aspects best signifies the image given below?

(a) Romanticism
(b) Conservatism
(c) Federalism
(d) Feminism

Ans.2. (a) Romanticism

Question.3. What does the above image depict?mcqs-picture-based-history-class-10-ch-1-q-3

(a) A poster hung on wall
(b) Postage stamp with picture of Marianne
(c) Picture of Germania, Philip Veit
(d) Caricature of Otto van Bismarck

Ans.3. (b) Postage stamp with picture of Marianne

Question.4. What is this caricaturist trying to depict?ncert-solutions-history-class-10-ch-1-q-5-intext

Ans.4. This caricature aims to depict the true characteristics of the conservative monarchies of the nineteenth century Europe. As a matter of fact, the ideals of liberalism and individual freedom did not flourish. In this picture, the club involved thinkers are they sitting in a club but they do not have the power to express their thoughts as reflected by the cloth tied on their mouths. This is the most effective way to project that the people did not have the freedom of thought or speech in those times.

Question.5. Describe the caricature. mcqs-picture-based-history-class-10-ch-1-q-5How does it represent the relationship between Bismarck and the elected deputies of parliament? What interpretation of democratic processes is the artist trying to convey?


  1. In this caricature, Bismarck is holding and waving a hunter on elected representatives in the air, which is a symbol of autocracy. It demonstrates that the rest of the elected representative of parliament representatives are fearful of him.
  2. In order to show him reverence, the representatives bowed down under the benches of the parliament.
  3. The caricature puts Bismarck on a higher pedestal and shows that he is ruling the roost of the parliament.
  4. The revolutionary artist is trying to narrate democracy through a sarcastic caricature. It shows that democracy existed for the sake of name. In reality, the power and influence of Bismarck ruled the parliament.

Question.6. The artist has portrayed Garibaldi as holding on to the base of the boot, so that the king of Sardinia-Piedmont can enter it from the top. ncert-solutions-history-class-10-ch-1-q-13-intextLook at the map of Italy once more. What statement is this caricature making?

Ans.6. According to the picture, the boots epitomized the kingdom oftwo Sicily that remained in Southern Italy. Garibaldi succeeded in gaining these kingdoms and subsequently, handed over them to king of Sardinia-Piedmont, Victor Emmanuel II. He was proclaimed the emperor of the united Italy. The picture shows the role played by Garibaldi in unifying Italy.

Question.7. Identify this image.mcqs-picture-based-history-class-10-ch-1-q-7

Ans.7. Germania

Question.8. Identify this image.mcqs-picture-based-history-class-10-ch-1-q-8

Ans.8. Various symbols which were used to depict the development of Nationalism.

Map Based Questions

Question.1. In the map of Holy Roman Empire, locate the historic Brandenburg-Prussia and mark it properly.

Question.2. In the map of Europe, locate England and mark it properly.

Match the Columns

Question.2. In the map of Europe, locate England and mark it properly.

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