MCQs of Economics Class 10 Chapter 5 Consumer Rights

MCQs of Economics Chapter 5 Consumer Rights



Chapter 5 Consumer Rights

Class 10

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1. Which one of the following is not a function of Consumer Protection Councils ?

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2. Which mark should you look for while buying honey?

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3. Factors which cause the exploitation of the consumer :

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4. The logo of ISI, Agmark or Hallmark on a product certifies its :

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5. Marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to life and property is covered under :

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6. The agencies which look into the complaints of the consumers are popularly called :

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7. The process in which the quality of a food substance is lowered through the addition of another substance is called :

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8. Who amongst the following is protected through rules and regulations in the market place ?

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9. Who can seek information under the RTI Act, 2005?

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10. Which one of the following is not true regarding the Right to Safety ?

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11. A chemist sold you a medicine of expiry date under which consumer right you can approach the consumer court ?

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12. India celebrates 24th December as : 

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13. MRP on a product represents :

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14. Choose the factors which gave birth to the consumer movement in India :

(i) hoarding
(ii) black marketing
(iii) food shortage
(iv) adulteration of food

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15. Consumer Protection Act (COPRA) was enacted by Indian Government in :

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16. On which of the following date does we celebrate the National Consumers’ Day?

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17. When was ISO certification established?

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18. Consumers International was created by

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19. Which certification is maintained for standardisation of jewellery?

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20. Name the right under which a consumer can claim compensation for the damage caused by any product.

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21. When was the ‘Right to Information Act’ passed ?

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22. Suppose you want to buy toothpaste and the shopowner says that he/she can sell the toothpaste only if you buy a toothbrush, which of your right is being violated by the shopkeeper ?

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23. In October 2005, the Government of India enacted a law known as :

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24. The organisation which lays down standards of products at the international level is called :

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25. At the global level, this has become the foundation for consumer movement :

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26. The consumer movement in India has led to the formation of various organisations which are locally known as :

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27. Which of the following laws was enacted by the Government of India in the year 2005 ? 

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28. Which logo or mark you will have to look for on a biscuit packet?

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29. To protect themselves what do consumers need?

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30. Which of the following does not come under local taxes in MRP of a product?

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31. If information is not provided or denied, what can you do under RTI Act?

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32. The Act which was enacted to protect the consumers :

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33. Which of the following is covered under public services?

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34. Name the court to which a consumer can approach, having a claim of Rs. 40 lakhs

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35. Which one of the following is the agency that develops standards for goods and services in India ?

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36. As per Consumer Protection Act, 1986, unfair trade practices do not involve which of the following?

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37. District level consumer courts can settle claims upto :

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38. Which of the following is not a right of consumers?

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39. Name the Act under which consumer courts have been established :

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40. Which right of the consumers is violated if the consumers are not allowed to get their claims settled against the manufactures in case they are cheated or exploited ?

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41. Which one of the following quality certification is obtained by food processing companies?

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42. The organisation which helps guide the consumers on how to file cases in the consumer courts are popularly called :

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43. An Act which ensures citizens of India to know about the functioning of the government departments :

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